Hello Lisa,
Here are two suggestions:
– Career Cruising has a good interest survey. It provides a list of activities by interest type and the number of questions can be adjusted from 39 to 116, depending on how much time you have and your purpose. The readability is about at a grade 6 I think. The results are organized by career clusters and provide a list of suggested occupations, based on your answers. Career Cruising also provides extensive occupations descriptions as well as a skills inventory. In the US, I think an aptitude test (Ability Profiler) is also available. There is a fee but I don’t know how much it is because I am using the service through my public library. You may want to check if your library offers you access. The only downside I see is that occupations are not organized by Holland codes but you can get around that.
– The other tool I use is CareerScope, which bundles an interest survey with an aptitude test battery. Readability is at 4th grade I think. The interest survey is based on the GOE and has 142 questions. There is a subscription fee.
Both tools are available online and I use them frequently. Let me know if you would like more details.