The Canadian Assessment, Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Society (CAVEWAS), was initially incorporated in June 1989, under Federal government charter. In 1999 CAVEWAS amalgamated as a member society with the Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada (VRA Canada).
According to our Letters Patent, our objects are:
- To promote, improve, develop and advance the field of vocational evaluation and work adjustment training;
- To assist professionals to help people who are experiencing employment related problems especially those that are physical, emotional, intellectual and environmental;
- To develop human resources through vocational evaluation and work adjustment;
- To create a network to communicate developments in the professions of vocational evaluation and work adjustment;
- To promote research and development in vocational assessment and work adjustment training, and to obtain the support of the public, governmental and educational resources;
- To better communicate the role, services and value of vocational evaluation and work adjustment in the rehabilitation field;
- To promote professional development programs in vocational evaluation and work adjustment;
- To enter into any arrangements with any authority; municipal, provincial or federal, which may seem conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Association and to obtain from any such authority any rights, privileges and concessions;
- To receive any monies or property by way of dues, donations or otherwise and to hold and expand the same to further the objects of the Corporation;
- To invest monies of the Corporation not immediately required for the purposes of the Association.