Consolidated Profile

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  • #2030
    Jennifer Kengis

    I have a file where the individual worked in a position for 3 years as a shipper, and he states that he was let go without cause as he was told he “no longer fits within the role.” He reports that he is unaware of why he was let go, as he received a satisfactory review and a dollar raise two months prior. He followed up with the company, but they did not answer him.

    Would you include this in the composite profile? Yes, no, and why?

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by 9817.
    Francois Paradis

    Hello Jennifer,

    Excellent question. I think people can be perfectly competent at their work but be laid off for a variety of reasons, such as personal conflicts, changes in management, economic reasons, etc. I think there are more reasons to include this work experience in your client’s profile than to exclude it; He has the required minimum experience to qualify for the occupational profile, as per the specific vocational preparation; he was laid off for unknown reasons, but at the same time has received a satisfactory review and a pay raise two months prior. Based on these reasons, I would include this experience in his composite profile. It seems to me that, more actually than not, your client demonstrated competency in this occupation. I hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by 3986.
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