Intake Interviews

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    What do you feel is the biggest advantage of an Intake Interview with the clients you serve?

    Francois Paradis

    Hi Lisa,

    I think there are many advantages and I could write an essay about this. In brief, here are some of the biggest advantages:

    • Helps to establish rapport with the evaluee.
    • Helps to verify any information based on file review. There may be errors or issues in the file that can be corrected/clarified during the interview.
    • The interview is obviously helpful to gather vocational information but it is also a good opportunity to do some behavioral observation of the client. For example, are there any issues with attention, fatigue, pain, motivation, communication skills, etc.


    Tamara Damini

    In addition to rapport building, I think the intake interview is a great time to develop and clarify goals and expectations so you are on the same page moving forward.

    Francois Paradis

    Good point Tami. It is worth mentioning that Tami, Lisa Timmons and I recently did a Vroom Cafe presentation on communication. I am sharing below a sample of my talk on communication with the evaluee, as I think it might be good material for further discussion on this forum;

    The Intake interview – Selected Issues

    I usually prefer to conduct the intake interview at the end of the evaluation. This allows for 3 things: The evaluee has a chance to get more comfortable with me before discussing sensitive matters, injured workers often have limited stamina that is needed for testing, allows me to prepare questions based on behavioral observations.

    1. There may be things the evaluee does not wish to discuss or may mention but asks not to include in report (i.e. has worked after injury, criminal record,
    2. does not wish to go over the details of the accident (traumatic) or other details of their history (“it should all be in my file”).
    3. They do not want to discuss certain details because they do not trust you. In league with provider, you are not qualified (challenged by evaluee when inquiring about injuries and symptoms)
    • It is important to listen to why they are reluctant and to give your rationale why you think the information is needed but don’t force the issue.
    • Information will come out sooner or later. Best to put it in the right context now.
    • You may have to use other sources to complete your information. Document it in your report.

    Non-Verbal Communication

    Important to check body language and behavior. It reflects on their ability to perform at work. Keep in mind that a testing environment is usually less demanding than a real work environment.

    Some body language to pay attention to:

    1. Is the evaluee facing you or away from you
    2. Signs of paying attention (i.e. looking at you when you speak or looking away)
    3. Signs of physical discomfort (i.e. twitching, shifting position, groaning, sighing, grimacing)
    4. Emotional upset (raising voice, crying)
    5. Signs of fatigue, drowsiness

    Ask the evaluee how they are feeling at the start of the evaluation (I ask them to quantify their symptoms on a scale of 0-10) and do so again at the end of the assessment. This will help you to determine if there is a change in their symptoms. Your assessment may last 4 to 5 hours. If your evaluee has difficulty completing your assessment, you can expect they will have even more difficulty in a competitive work environment.

    Communication with the evaluee also informs you on their effort level

    You may be asked about this in court;

    • Were you present at all times during the evaluation (some assessors use proctors or leave the room for extended amounts of time).
    • How do you know if the evaluee has given valid effort, how do you measure it?
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by 3986.
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